I saw this picture this morning and thought what an awesome way to kick off 49 years on this earth!

I’ve been melancholy this week as my thoughts went to what I had not accomplished thus far in life. Each previous birthday started with a wondering of what the next year will bring. But, this morning, God reminded me that He’s in control. That His ways are higher than mine and He has control of all things.
I am reminded of a prophecy that was given to me last year, God does all things well concerning me. There’s no need to wonder where I am in life, what I’ve accomplished and what I haven’t. I’m on track and where I’m supposed to be.
Today, I thank God for the reminder. For 49 years upon this earth. For another day, hour, minute to sit and sup with Him.
Thank you in advance for all birthday calls, texts, acknowledgments. Today, when you think of me, pray that God’s will be done in my life. That He reigns over all things concerning me. That I prosper as my soul prospers. That I may never be disconnected from His vine nor uprooted from His Tree of Life neither expunged from the Lamn’s Book of Life.
Happy Birthday to me
Love to all of you!!